


REV. 3:16  (NIV)— So, because you are lukewarm- neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

  Hot or cold.  Black or white.  No middle ground.  This is the thought for today.  Christians are constantly accused of seeing only the two sides of everything based on right or wrong, black or white.  If there were a middle ground here what would we call it?  Compromise?  Surrender?  Blindness? Uncaring? Numb?  What would you call it if you had a member of your family murdered in cold blood?  Would you just write it off as an act of a poor soul who did not know better because he came from a lousy neighborhood?  I am sure the dead person would love that.  I am sure that the family would be at peace with that description.  Yet, is that not what we have allowed to happen in the judicial system?  A murder is not judged as a murder but in degrees of murder.  Degrees!  Give me a break.  Dead is dead and no degree of that murder will bring that dead person back or give peace to the family or excuse the killer on the basis of degree.  What happens to the killer in the end depends on what degree is decided upon.  And, even after the killer has been found guilty, he is then sent to a prison to probably spend the rest of his life or a part of his life being fed, clothed, sheltered, given exercise equipment to do body building, given health care, and schooling.  If the killer is sentenced to death row for his crime, he will probably spend most or all of his life getting the same things.  The system is now trying to get rid of the death penalty as unconstitutional for the prisoner.  It seems that someone who was given a lethal injection reacted badly to it and suffered some before dying has made the whole idea wrong.  I have to think here about the person or persons who were tortured, raped, beaten, strangled, or slaughtered.  The fact that they felt PAIN……incredible pain is not even considered anymore.  Therefore, the killer continues to live in relative comfort in spite of his deeds.  Prison is not a spa, or vacation spot.  But the taking of a life should not be “rewarded” with better care than a great many of non-criminal citizens are getting.  Think of the cost of keeping these criminals in prison year after year and weigh it against the “benefits” that other citizens are not getting and yet are surviving without killing someone.  The system has become lukewarm.  There has been a gray area established because the law has been allowed to become a tool with no teeth.  The Bible says very plainly, DO NOT KILL.

  Let’s take another gray area and explore it as well.  Pregnancy is a life waiting to become a contributing human being.  When a male and a female human being have sex and the sex cells are joined a new life is started.  Now everyone has had their sex education 101 class and knows that information already.  Right?  Wrong.  It seems that when these cells join they do not become a human person until nine months later.  According to the people who do abortions and the Supreme Court these human sex cells that have become joined and are forming a tiny body with all the organs and tissues of a person is NOT a person at all.  There are names for each stage of development but HUMAN is not one of them.  By eliminating the human concept from the mix the system has created a means by which they, the judicial system, can turn a blind eye to the ending of that life and make it legal.  The person who has become pregnant can also end that life because it is legally their CHOICE to end that life.  No matter how it is labeled the ending of that life is MURDER.  Legal, to be sure, but murder none the less.  And, if the process of the abortion is examined it would not be too far fetched to believe that that little life was ended in pain.  This is not too hard to understand when you look at the reality of the fact that some of these abortions are done when the development is in the late part of the ninth month.  That my friends is a small person with all the nervous system developed and functional and FEELING.  Examine the abortion process and any sane human will see and understand that there is pain connected with the killing of that baby.  The gray area that has poisoned the system here has allowed murder to become another means of birth control when intelligence has failed.

  Life style choices.  Alternative lifestyles.  Homosexual lifestyles.    Male and male marriages.  Female and female marriages.  When man was created it was man and woman that began all of humanity.  Do you think for a moment that creation could have even happened at all if everything was the same sex?  When that molecular mess in that cosmic pond of chemicals and minerals crawled out onto the land (if you believe that line of guff) and tried to continue its life without some means of reproduction it would not have survived.  If you don’t buy that line of guff then you might believe that a loving and creative God gave life to man and created a woman so that life could be continued.  Fred and Harry would have lived their lives together and died.  That’s it folks.  There would have been no more.  Since this creation story is so controversial and so scary to the “intellectual” non spiritual world, it has become illegal to teach it in the public schools or even mention it as an alternative explanation to life on earth.  The Supreme Court, in all its wisdom, has created yet another gray area to confound and confuse and control.  We are all products of accidental life forming forces.  I am sure that there are more scientific terms to use to label the process, but you get the idea.  We have now eliminated God from the learning process and added homosexual choice as an alternative life style.  From the beginning of recorded history we have seen that men and women have used unnatural sex for their own perversions.  Sex between like sexes is not new……it’s just not seen as a perversion or an unnatural life style any longer.  Sure there are some states that still have laws on the books against same sex relations but if a person were to take those laws to the high court they, the laws, would probably be tossed aside as unconstitional or something.  If your wheel squeaks loudly enough and long enough someone will listen.  And if you get enough squeaky wheels together and make enough noise long enough, someone will probably make a law to allow those wheels to squeak wherever and whenever they want.  And, the law will probably require everyone else to be forced to listen to the squeak whether they want to hear it or not.  The Bible calls homosexual life an abomination.  The dictionary defines an abomination as something that arouses strong disgust.  If I read the Bible correctly I truly believe that is exactly the way God feels about homosexual activity.  The gray area?   Close your eyes and allow more abominations to exist and watch what happens to morals and values and families.

  Gray areas are what a lot of politicians are basing their campaigns on.  The people who are living a gray life and making gray choices are voters that can swing campaigns one way or another.  Of course all the politician has to do is promise to make their way THE WAY and the votes pour in.  Read history.  Every single civilization has gone up in smoke and collapsed when the government became rotten and the values and morals of the citizens became an abomination.  Not one single civilization survived no matter how powerful it was or how rich it was or how intellectual it was.  Without God and His laws man cannot survive.  If you have any doubts please give the Bible a read.  If you only see it as a history of a group of people you will still see how laws were broken and the results.  There are consequences for every one of our actions.  When God’s laws are broken the consequences are dire.

     Deut. 30:19  This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live, and that you may love the Lord you God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.

Choices.  Life and death.  Blessings and cursings.  How many of us deliberately would choose death or curses.  Yet, this is exactly what is done when the laws that are written for our life are ignored or re-written to accommodate a live style with little or no moral fiber and values.  By creating a gray area when a clear black or white, right or wrong choice is obvious we open our lives up to death and curses.  Do you know what the blessings are for the ones who are committed to following God’s laws?  Read Deuteronomy and see all the blessings that God promises and if you then apply the opposite of those blessings you will see the curses.  Each day we must choose blessings or curses, life or death.  If we continue to blend the two together as a convenience to continue to break the laws the result will surely be death.  Choose this day.  Choose to believe in the one and only true God and His Son who He sent to deliver us from our sinful ways.  One death and one resurrection for all and for all time.

  I have attacked some of the gray areas that Satan would use to continue his destruction of mankind.  I have made it very clear that there can be no compromise in this war with heaven and hell.  Gray areas are lies of Satan to blind people from the truth.  Gray areas are like a heavy fog that covers the path that must be traveled and hides the dangers from our sight.  We know that there are dangers just as we really know right from wrong when we see it.  It seems that we would rather be a part of the “invisible” crowd and not make waves and not stand up for real justice and real laws.  Wrong is wrong.  There can never be a maybe when choosing life or death.  There can never be real success when the only road traveled is the one that leads nowhere.


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